Other Than Cub Stuff

This is where you can post that Deere you want to part out or the cub hauler your looking to sell. Once again, no inappropriate items.
Forum rules
This for sale section is for everything else, cars trucks off brand tractors etc.To keep things friendly and easy to use there are a few simple rules.

1. No one want to guess how much you want for something, please post a price, you can always haggle.

2. Please give the location of the item, city and state

3. This is not an auction site, no auction style posts.

4. If something sells please delete your post (yes you can do that)

5. After 45 days of no activity the software will delete your post automatically to keep things neet.
6. Not following the rules could get you an email from one of the moderators (scary huh?) or a deleted post.
7. Do not put your email or phone number in a post. If someone wants to contact you, your correct email should be in your profile (if it isn't, please fix). Putting contact info in a post could subject you to phishing and spam.
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