Nittany show in State College, PA

Here is where we can talk about all things Cub and then some. Please follow the golden rule and respect others.
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Nittany show in State College, PA

Post by wdeturck »

Looks like my truck won't be done by Thursday so I have to change my plans. I'm planning on just driving up early Saturday morning and getting back to Oakmont before dark(I must be in before the street lights come on). If you want to go let me know(412-828-8072) and see if we can arrange to meet.

I want to see if the site lets you download from your camera. TEST
2010 pictures delete 004.jpg
Those are about 950 KB pictures that I had in a file when I deleted them out of the camera. click on it and it is hugh?
2010 pictures delete 005.jpg

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