Changing the decal page.

Post pictures of your dealer decals here and Geezer will organize them. this is a nice place to browse around in to see where our little tractors came from.
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Changing the decal page.

Post by wdeturck »

I am going to quit using this Site and have the pictures of all my decals in the GALLERY. I am going to keep this site unlocked so you have a place to post your decals here as "NEW TOPIC" where I will add them to the decal section and then remove the post.
I Have all my decal pictures in the GALLERY and you can do a search for them by the Dealer's name, the city or town and you can even search for them by the States Two letter abbreviation but you get a lot of hits on some states but if your in the gallery on the decal page they seem to be shown first. When you do a search in the Gallery it only shows " Gallery Core Results 1 - 3 but you can click on results.

I also found out I can link the decals to MY MAPS and there are 3 pages(I have found no way to search the maps but look at all three pages. Thanks
Google Map PAGE 1(Decals 1 to 205)
Google Map PAGE 2(Decals 206 to 400)
Google Map PAGE 3(Decals(401- )

Please post any decal pictures as new topic and when they are removed you should find that decal in the GALLERY and also on the Google Map.

Over 450 decals in the GALLERY
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