New registration forms without a full name and city, state are deleted as incomplete.
You will not get a confirmation so PLEASE, fill out the from correctly.
You will have to re-apply.
Full name means first and last! and please Capitalize your name and location!
Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Sep 24, 2011 9:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Registration is available at link on top right of Board Index page.
Valid email is required! If you try to register with a fake email, you will not receive a confirmation to log in. If your email domain name is so unique that it smells like a spam account, your registration will be deleted. If your email bounces back when I try to send a confirmation email, your account will be deleted.
Easy stuff. Use a valid email that really works, or don't bother.
Forgive the snark, but I have too much time wasted trying to register emails that don't work. If you want to be a member, we want you here, but you have to play by the rules.