If you are locked out of your account...!

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Tom Scott
Chief Moderator
Posts: 1842
Joined: Mon Sep 06, 2010 9:11 pm
First and Last Name: Tom Scott
Location: Bentley Springs, Maryland

If you are locked out of your account...!

Post by Tom Scott »

It seems that there are times that members get locked out of their accounts and don't have any way of contacting the mods. So to start, we are changing that...

If you get locked out, email me at: tscottcub@gmail.com

If you get locked out, do not create a new account! Email me at the above address and I will get you back in to your original username account.

The main reason you will get locked out is if you change your email address in your profile!

It is fine if you want to change your email address, and we need you to have a valid one, but you will be locked out immediately if you do it on your own.

Two choices:
1) Change your email in your profile knowing you will get locked out, then email me and I will get you back in with a temporary password, which I will email to you using the new email you just provided on your profile.

or 2) Email me from the old email you want to get rid of (so I know it's really you), or PM me through the forum, and tell me the new email you want, and I will change your email and send you the temporary password. This way you have the new login info sent to you the moment you get locked out.
1872, 46", 50C decks, Haban dozer blade, 450 snow blower
2182-1, Kwik-Way Loader, 3-pt & rear pto, 442 tiller
2182-2, 54" deck, 551 snow blower
Past tractors:  1541, 2135