New member with an old 100

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New member with an old 100

Post by MILKWEED »

20181216_145917.jpg (3.11 MiB) Viewed 6984 times
20181216_145939.jpg (3.52 MiB) Viewed 6984 times
Saying hello from SE Wisconsin, I picked up a 100 a couple of weeks ago to pull a roller and thatcher and do other chores around the yard. I could have went with any kind of tractor to do thus stuff but I really just like the looks of the older Cub and why not have a classic while putting around the yard. I found a '65 100 runner on FB not far from me and a couple hundred $ later it was in the back of my truck, it needs a little tlc and Im not sure if Im going to repaint it yet. I checked the serial # against the build date sheet and it turns out to built in June of '64, which makes it roughly 2 months older than me, which is WAY COOL according to my Daughter. I haven't done much to it except repair the loose starter/pto basket pulley, replaced bent front spindles and a muffler. I need to dig into the trans and find why 2nd gear doesn't work and tinker & tweek a few things. The front pto needs rebuilding and is missing the linkage, but only if I decide to use the deck, I don't need it now but at some point my 25 year old Troy bilt walk behind is going to give up and a decision will have to be made. This is a great site and I look forward to kicking around with others here, Happy New Year.
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Re: New member with an old 100

Post by althomas »

Looks good ! It should give many more years of service ! :beer:
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Re: New member with an old 100

Post by JMotuzick »

Fix things up and be ready to mow come spring, the old garden way(Troy built) will die mid spring and you will be scrambling to fix both! If you have the 100 ready the Troy bulit never will die!
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