new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

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new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by tc429 »

well, the soft spot in my heart(head) for neglected machines got me again... saw this sitting awaiting a trip to the scrapyard, just couldnt let it go... no what do i do with it... it had sat outside 2 yrs, needed a lot of little things, but actually was in surprisingly decent engine, 16 1/2 foot triple stage lift, 4900 lb lift rating...had to remachine hydraulic levers, replace brakes replace seals/gaskets, steering links, mast roller, tilt cyl mount bearing, lots of adjustments...spent the last month of summer evenings on it, kinda happy how nice it turned out...but needed like a hole in the head...
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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by dag1450 »

THAT THING LOOKS NEW! GREAT JOB! Put a price tag on it if you don't need it. Only problem I could think of is it's probably stiff competition out there on used forklifts. Thanks for sharing Tim. :beer:
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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by tc429 »

another older toy... this one just called out to me, poor thing deserved better. idiot me decided to take it on- 'plan' was tires, paint, minor cleanup, and donate to local air museum ive been a member at for years but never did any volunteer hours(work hours/their hours are similar) so thought I'd throw a few hundred bucks and a few hours at this old thing...I'd contacted the museum about these two trucks years ago- they wanted them, but never came back- no time for such silliness either likely... well the entire scrap machine area they decided to scrap, even though scraps dirt cheep, they were tired of the mess out back- we had a old cnc machining center base casting with a 8" tree growing out of it, boss said 'enough'...i'd stashed this away from the scrappage stuff a couple times over the prior 5 years, knew it ran well, and had antifreeze, just king kong couldnt steer it...well I asked again- sure if you want it, they even let me stash it in a back building to attempt to see if steering was viable to repair...
well, it wasnt. saginaw 540 manual box was completly trashed...but, the bigger idiot in me didnt want to give up easily (or smartly). spent a few hours at a pull-a-part checking steering boxes, required lefthand worm pitch(odd in USA), in hundreds of vehicles only found 4- E250, D250, land rover, Astro...and the astro was smallest, plus had ports pointing at what would be the only clear area...ordered a rebuilt one for a 2000 astro from Lares corp, and...

astro box, input with speedway motors spline adapter, pinned/welded to a goldwing u joint/stubshaft, shortened column with 4 sealed bearings/snaprings to replace what had been a one piece shaft with one unavailable bearing... output used a Jeep TJ pitman arm reamed for a howe racing 1 1/8" ball stud to ft the original drag link. had to cut the chassis, weld in a 'box' of 1/2" plate to bolt the new astro box on to, had to relocate the two shifters, had to cut/flip brake pedal assembly to clear the relocated shifters- even without power, it steered way easier... then removed generator mount, flipped upside down to raise 3", making BARELY enough room for a hacked up ranger bracket/pump...and somehow it all works, drives like a new one(except has a clutch)

a few evenings stripping paint, epoxy priming/filling/painting, repaired fiberglass seat pan/'hood', went to check out brakes, found linings peeling- unavailable bonded/cast iron shoes, 11" diameter 1 3/4 wide... just none out there, even the smaller cast ones are expensive... did more searching, found a NOS lining kit for a 62-up F100...drilled/riveted those on tonight...


hoping to be done by end of february, still gotta get lights/horn/front tires/rewire it, detail engine, make a seat pan 'hinge'(thinking a 4 link/side swingup-over thing, with hood pins to lock closed) fix gauges, paint the military star/stencils(not a army truck, but same exact model they had worldwide in use), and call the museum... think they will be happy with it, and hopefully it will be around for many decades after i'm gone- hopefully still running, its in really good mechanical shape...whether just displayed with other ground support equipment(they have a twin to it- but its rough), whatever...gonna put a dedication plaque on it 'in memory of' some dear old friends of mine, one who really loved the museum, they were WWII guys, was very fortunate o have gotten to know them, and my kids too...old Don who I got my Cub from served on Enterprise during the wost part of the war up to it getting towed back half sunk...he loved the museum... hoping maybe that will help remind them to take care with it too...not many of these 50/60s machines left out there as its cheaper to buy a good used one than even put tires on one... ive already sunk about 1500 in it and aint done yet, even in good shape its not 'worth' half that... that Clark I did I only had 800 in all up, its probably a 3~5000.00 machine because of its age(1993/1800 hours), but I never sell anything... if I get done needing it, it may wind up at the museums restoration shop too...but the old one I think fits their motif well, and it should have a easy retirement as a rarely used display piece- in fully functional order :)

56 yrs old, had never riveted a brake lining in my life... glad I found these- was in a bit of a panic that it was gonna get real expensive to find a set, only took about a hour and a half even drilling/counterboring all the holes

theres a ton more pictures here if anyones bored... the 'old forklift restoration hobby' has very few members LOL

man I'll be glad when this things wifes ready to kill me - even SHE said I should be working on my mustang instead of this thing :)
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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by Tom Scott »

Tim - Really nice work!

I think this forum section was meant for like "Matchbox" toys, so I might be moving this to another section, but no big deal. But, then again, there is a bunch of other "non-model toy" stuff in here, so maybe it doesn't matter.... We're laid back here!

Anyway, really nice work, especially with all the customizing and re-purposing parts from other equipment to get the job done!
1872, 46", 50C decks, Haban dozer blade, 450 snow blower
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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by dag1450 »

That's great! Thanks for sharing Tim! More pictures as you make progress.
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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by tc429 » ... ed-public/

takes a few seconds to load video from flickr for some reason, but heres the seat pan linkage - just trying it out, no gas struts or latches yet(going to use grooved 'hood pins' behind seat- slide seat fully forward to release a 'fork' around pins, slide back to lock) getting there, but man this things been eating my spare time. new front tires being delivered tomorrow- they are gonna be a bear...gonna try to press them on myself, but the rears were a major workout... our 250 ton press is hand pumped, only moves about 25 thou a pump...front tires coming are 8" wide- plus gotta press off the 7" wide old ones- dont think the press would handle stacking both and pressing thru like usual...hoping to get back in there today and rewire it- chopped all the wiring out last night and painted(just bedliner- nothing pretty- its just a forklift...) going to have to get it out of the shop soon, works about to get crazy busy- theyve really been cool about letting me use floorspace there after hours to redo this old thing...everyone thinks i'm nuts, and theyre probably right :) still hoping to have done about end of month, need to contact museum soon about having spot for it- know they have limited room too...
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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by tc429 »

progressing along... got the other front tire pressed on tonight, never again... 80 tons the last 2", on a hand pumped press with a 3' handle, its a major workout... the old thing rides so soft now - these oldies actually have leaf springs on the rear axle, that combined with the wider/smooth tires, it rides incredibly smooth...

got the side covers milled up- moved cooling holes to make room for a big white star, 'stolen valor' for a forklift LOL :) hoping the museum likes it, should fit in pretty well with their displays... still a lot to do, should be close by end of this month... just gotta wore lights/gages, finish the seat gas spring/latch, want to fab a rear tow ring, sure theres a few other tidbits too...
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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by dag1450 »

Really nice! The star will be the icing on the Great job!
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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by tc429 »

my son stopped by work last night to drop off some stuff I had delivered at home, he took the old thing for a testdrive- he had driven it 5 years ago or so before it got junked, was amazed at the steering :) was hoping to have done by end of Feb, its close, but not yet... did talk to the museum, they definitely still want it and have a spot for it. contacted Caterpillar today (Cat bought out Towmotor in 1964/65), hoping they can fill in some blanks on the old data plate thats beyond readable, maybe even supply a original replacement plate...if not will cnc mill up a new one-may have to guesstimate some of the stuff...capacities/serial are ok, but some of the tag and the model number are long gone to damage... going to make a dedication plaque for top of the dash, planned on putting some old friends names on it who served in the military... sadly lost my Dad to dementia yesterday, had been a long ordeal... will add his name in too... knew a lot of folks who served in various branches, most of whom are gone now...

anyways heres the side with the star stenciled on, still need to add the army model number stencils somewhere on there, still need to wire the headlights, make new hoses for the relocated oil filter(temp bypassed), want to make a steel replacement piece for the clutch linkage I welded/remachined- afraid the thing will eventually crack where welded as it was cast steel- would be a dangerous thing if it ever popped unexpectedly...a few other tidbits. the seat pan latch has been a lot of head scratching, was about to just say screw it and put hood pins on, but then thought about those jeep hood type rubber hold downs- thinking that may look more fitting for its age ...will see

i'm still thinking of relocating the headlamps too, theres just not a good looking spot for them... they looked out of place on the mast- might bend up some of the jeeplike 'hoop' guards o paint and put around them and retry... the old tail/brake/reverse light is out of sight behind the grille, and moved the old backup alarm back there too so its not so loud for the driver

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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by dag1450 »

Oh man...Sorry for your lost Tim! Fork truck looks amazing. Mayby you said ...What museum and where? Again so cool!
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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by tc429 »

dag1450 wrote:Oh man...Sorry for your lost Tim! Fork truck looks amazing. Mayby you said ...What museum and where? Again so cool!
thanks man...its been a kinda rough week, being 1500 miles away...took a turn for the worse monday, they didnt think hed make it thru the night, but his body just wouldnt give up...dementia is a terrible disease. had a good friend who was lost to ALS, think thats far worse for the person, both equally tough on family... last 4 times i'd saw him was afraid it would be the last, but he still knew who I was a few months ago...but even that was fading. all stll hard to process...was in there dicking around with the forklift till 1 am and stuff like that trying to keep busy, but sometimes couldnt find enough stuff to fix...been a rough week. glad hes not suffering anymore, and that my brother was there with him for 4 days straight, dont think I coulda held it together...

the little museum is MAPS (Military Air Preservation Society) down in Canton Ohio, theyve got a growing plane collection, and its small, personal... they have a old Mig the kids are allowed to climb in and move the controls, see the ailerons move, stuff like that, not many places on Earth would allow such a thing...they get scout groups involved, etc, really a GREAT group of old friend Don who I got the cub cadet from loved going there, we took Dad there once years ago when he was still getting around...been wanting to do something for them, and a goofy forklift might seem odd, but its from the same era as their other ground support equipment and is the same type the army had at bases all over...whether put with their other stuff on display or even used in the restoration shops up to them, being a manual trans though it will probably sit most of the time...I just like old stuff, and hated the thought of such a great running antique getting crushed for scrap.

anyway, thanks-
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Re: new(old) toy... 9900 pounds of it

Post by Tom Scott »

Tim - Sorry to hear about your dad, prayers sent. Keeping busy with a fulfilling project like this can help. Good on you for doing such a great job for the museum, hopefully they really put it to work some rather than just letting it sit!
1872, 46", 50C decks, Haban dozer blade, 450 snow blower
2182-1, Kwik-Way Loader, 3-pt & rear pto, 442 tiller
2182-2, 54" deck, 551 snow blower
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