Finding a mechanic in my area to work on my 147...

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Posts: 19
Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2022 3:38 pm
First and Last Name: Paul Anderson
Location: Rossford, OH

Finding a mechanic in my area to work on my 147...

Post by lonzo147cadet »

Hello again everybody. I bought a 147 this past June, and posted a query about carb issues and also some photos of it just in the past couple months. I got some good comments that helped me out. There was also some good banter that followed regarding snow removal options.

Today, my questions is: does anyone know of anybody in the greater Toledo area who works on this old equipment. The reason I ask is that, while the guy who restored my tractor did a fair job, there are things he did not do so well. And, the carb is now leaking badly as well. I want to get the tractor into a shop or somebody's garage who knows these old Cubs, so they can do some work on it over the winter. Such work will include: fixing the carb, replacing the throttle and choke cables, possibly all the belts, the hydro oil and filter, engine oil, and whatever else it may need. I know some of you will tell me these are all things I can do myself, but I have my limits when it comes to applying my meager mechanical skills. Besides, the arthritis in my hands and wrists almost precludes doing too much of this kind of work.

If you know of anybody, please let me know. Thanks much.

Paul Anderson in Rossford, OH
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