Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by tweinke »

Jude, The bumper looks awesome along with the rest of the work! Keep up the good work. :)
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by Sminkey »

Thanks Todd :beer: IT's almost done!! If things go well, maybe by the end of the week I'll have it finished. Danco decal proofs to examine tomorrow :D I'll have some extra sets available to a fellow Danco-er. Have both side frames on now and ran most of the hydraulic lines. Need to get one more new one tuesday and 2 fittings, pivot bar for bucket and hydraulic fluid. That should be about it, still need to source a dump lever or get someone to make one to look like the original one. I made up some brackets for the bumper tonight, will have them welded on tomorrow and dealt with some other small issues. Getting closer all the time :) .
71 both side frames rear.jpg
71 both side frames left.jpg
bumper brackets.jpg
62' O' w/ud-6.fenders.rear lift & spring assist.timed deck.
65' 71 w/Danco RD1000.fenders.creeper.IH utility box.dual wheels.lights.
68' 72 w/creeper.fenders.lights.cast deck.Hydro Unit.1a tiller.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by Sminkey »

Finally got the bucket mounted tonight :D . Only waiting on decals now. Went to get new bucket pivot bar today, I asked for 1" cold rolled by 32". So guy goes and grabs bar length and measures, cuts it and then drills the holes for the cotter pins. The bill was $22 and I was stoked, till I got home and realized that he cut me 1-1/8" in diameter :x . So I had to go back and get the right size bar and it looks sweet I must say. Everything is done except for dump lever, which I'll install tomorrow and mounting the front bumper, which has paint on it and drying. I'll put hydra fluid in and fire it up when I get the lever and bumper on, hope she works good and all my new o-rings & gaskets work! So nice to be at the end, i'm tired :puter: I'll get some pics of her in the sun tomorrow :beer:
71 Danco.jpg
71 Danco.1.jpg
71 Danco.2.jpg
71 Danco.3.jpg
71 Danco.4.jpg
62' O' w/ud-6.fenders.rear lift & spring assist.timed deck.
65' 71 w/Danco RD1000.fenders.creeper.IH utility box.dual wheels.lights.
68' 72 w/creeper.fenders.lights.cast deck.Hydro Unit.1a tiller.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by mikeyb »

Looking great Jude!! :beer:
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by juniors1282 »

That look's fricken AWSOME Jude!!! Can't wait to see it in the sun.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by KAdams4458 »

That looks fantastic so far. Nice job!

I've been checking out the pictures and hoping to figure out if an RD-1000 can be fitted to a 147. So far, beyond the fact that the 147 frame has the bump out for the frame that would be in the way, it looks like it could be made to work. I plan to pick up my own Danco RD-1000 this weekend, so I guess I will be finding out for myself soon enough. Does anyone familiar with the RD-100, as well as 70/100 and 147's care to comment?
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by Sminkey »

Thanks Mike, Eric & Kieth :beer: Here's some pics in the sweet sun :D Been raining here for the last 2 days non-stop. Stoked that I now have no leaks :oops: . Didn't tighten one of the control valve fittings and had a little leakage on startup, but no issues yet and I've run it for 20 min.s :beer:

Kieth, not sure, but the notch on the frame for the engine on the 147 will cut into a large portion of the side frame. Will definitely affect the integrity and I'm thinkin the rear fenders/footrests will be a problem also. I don't think it'll be an easy fit, Where's MATT G. when ya need him :) . The RD2000 would work nicely on the 147, I believe. Good luck and would love to see some pics :beer:
71 Finished.jpg
71 finished.1.jpg
71 finished.2.jpg
71 finished.3.jpg
71 finished.4.jpg
71 finished.4.jpg (91.25 KiB) Viewed 14091 times
62' O' w/ud-6.fenders.rear lift & spring assist.timed deck.
65' 71 w/Danco RD1000.fenders.creeper.IH utility box.dual wheels.lights.
68' 72 w/creeper.fenders.lights.cast deck.Hydro Unit.1a tiller.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by BigMike »

Jude,you do nice work Sir. :beer:
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by tweinke »

Sweet job Jude! :beer: When you get the decals and are done whats the next project? Still looking for my next CC to restore not just resuscitate like the one I have. :)
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by KAdams4458 »

I didn't think it would matter much, but that looks even better in sunlight. That's simply stunning. As for the pending decals, is there any chance that I can score a set of those, too?

Oh, and your pictures have come in handy again, as I now realize that my loader is apparently equipped with the bigger 1/3 cubic yard bucket. I have the forklift attachment too, which I'm really looking forward to using, but scoring the big bucket for clearing my driveways might be just what I need until I can come up with a snow thrower.
Sminkey wrote: Kieth, not sure, but the notch on the frame for the engine on the 147 will cut into a large portion of the side frame. Will definitely affect the integrity and I'm thinkin the rear fenders/footrests will be a problem also. I don't think it'll be an easy fit, Where's MATT G. when ya need him :) . The RD2000 would work nicely on the 147, I believe. Good luck and would love to see some pics :beer:
Having brought home my RD-1000 last night and held it up next to my 147, I agree that this is not going to be an easy fit. The fender/footrest part itself isn't actually too big of a problem, but the supports on the frame for the foot rests are definitely going to be in the way. I can't admit defeat, yet, or SWMBO will kill me. I got the stink eye yesterday for even thinking about buying the 100 with creeper that was for sale alongside the loader, as I am very specifically not allowed to have more than one tractor. SWMBO has spoken. It's okay... I really like having a hydro, so I'll make it work.

I can cut and weld steel, and I have very little money invested in the loader so far, which means I haven't really bitten off too much, yet. I already plan to rework the completely trashed hydraulics to make it function like an RD-2000. I'd love to see how an RD-2000 attaches to a 147 so that I can just mimic that design.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by KAdams4458 »

Found a copy of the manual for an RD2000, and all I can say is... Oh boy. Way different mounting concept. This project of mine should be interesting. :lol:
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by Sminkey »

Thanks Mike, Todd and Keith :beer: Todd, should hopefully have decals by friday :? . I'm hoping so as I'm heading to my first tractor show ever :D I'm taking the 71 to a show in Ely,VT. on Saturday and hope the decals are done for the show. Loader looks naked without them. I posted a pic of my current project, a 62' O' with Danco creeper. Hope to get it done by winter as my current shop/barn has no heat in it :cry: .

I cut down the dump lever I made last night, took almost 2" off it cause I thought it looked goofy. Happy with the way it looks now. Also took off utility box and put rear tunnel tin on. Swapped out Grote tailights, put original one on with white paint and original lens with no cracks in it. Mounted it on fender instead of seat tunnel. Few more touch ups and she'll be ready for the show, forcasting good weather also, sunny and around 80 :beer:

Keith, I have some extra some sets coming intially with mine and I'll put ya down for one, don't know $$ yet. Sent ya pm on the rd2000, and in the rd1000 manual it shows what accessories were available for the loader. All I can ask is don't hack up that rd1000 please :) . One rare attachment and to get the forks for the $$$ you did, oh man you made out awesome! Sounds like you need to find a 70 or 100 to put it on :beer:
dump lever.jpg
dump lever.jpg (69.27 KiB) Viewed 14024 times
rear Grote.jpg
rear Grote.jpg (61.84 KiB) Viewed 14024 times
62' O' w/ud-6.fenders.rear lift & spring assist.timed deck.
65' 71 w/Danco RD1000.fenders.creeper.IH utility box.dual wheels.lights.
68' 72 w/creeper.fenders.lights.cast deck.Hydro Unit.1a tiller.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by Tom Scott »

Jude - Great job!

Keith - Sometimes better to ask forgiveness than permission. Reasons to just get the correct tractor for the loader you bought:

1) Unless you don't need a tractor for anything else, changing attachments is a pain in the rear. Loader tractors are most easily left set-up as loader dedicated, or swapped for season specific attachments. For myself it is snow blower in the winter, loader at all other times.

2) Reworking the loader for the wrong tractor is likely much more difficult than cost effectively finding the right tractor for it.

3) You will likely destroy the value of the loader by forcing it to work on something else.

4) One of the reasons for playing with old stuff is that you can afford multiple tractors for less than the cost of one new one of like quality. Also, old tractors get lonely, and need friends around.

5) Multiple tractors provide back-up machines to allow the proper time to fix things right on the one that's busted.

6) We just like multiple tractors, and the above reasons help justify the sickness.

So...sometimes it is "She Who Must Be Kept In Check". Please follow my advice at your own risk :lol:
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by jpackard56 »

Jude, Fantastic Job :!: :!: I've really enjoyed following your work. The unit looks like a show winner to me. :beer:

Keith, I don't know Tom Scott, but his reasoning from 1 - 3 is right on, take it to the bank, rock-solid... 4,5,and 6 are pretty darn good too :beer:
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by KAdams4458 »

Any of you fellas sleeping in the shop with the Cub Cadets, yet? :lol:

I am considering picking up a tractor just for the loader... I'll still miss having hydro, though. And I really do sort of want a way to put rams on the bucket no matter what, but like always, I'll try not to hack anything up to the point that it can't be reversed.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by tractrs2nv »

Nothing but SWEETNESS Jude!!! Killer restoration A+ on your end!
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by CaptMax »

Sminkey wrote: I'm taking the 71 to a show in Ely,VT. on Saturday and hope the decals are done for the show.
Best wishes at the show!!! I think it will be a "SHOW STOPPER". :beer:
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by Sminkey »

Tom, thanks bud!

Jim, I appreciate your appreciation :D Will be rolling out early in the morn for the show!! And there's another Danco needing restored with my name on it :o .

Nice Keith! There's a rumor floating around that I'd sleep with an M&W if I ever obtain one, that's just crazy :lol:

Thanks Mucho Grande Kevin :beer: Coming from someone's work I've looked up to, now that's Sweet :D

Thanks Max, I'm excited to go and the weather is supposed to be great! I'm all loaded up and ready to roll out, I'll post some pics of my day when I get home.
71 loaded up.jpg
71 loaded up.jpg (78.69 KiB) Viewed 13953 times
62' O' w/ud-6.fenders.rear lift & spring assist.timed deck.
65' 71 w/Danco RD1000.fenders.creeper.IH utility box.dual wheels.lights.
68' 72 w/creeper.fenders.lights.cast deck.Hydro Unit.1a tiller.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by tractrs2nv »

Sminkey wrote:Tom, thanks bud!

Jim, I appreciate your appreciation :D Will be rolling out early in the morn for the show!! And there's another Danco needing restored with my name on it :o .

Nice Keith! There's a rumor floating around that I'd sleep with an M&W if I ever obtain one, that's just crazy :lol:

Thanks Mucho Grande Kevin :beer: Coming from someone's work I've looked up to, now that's Sweet :D

Thanks Max, I'm excited to go and the weather is supposed to be great! I'm all loaded up and ready to roll out, I'll post some pics of my day when I get home.
Rumor? No rumor about it...we both agreed we would sleep with a M&W 9 speed :lol: !! Did you buy that trailer?
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by l palma »

Looking good,I hope you had some protection under that shiny bucket!!!
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That's it, all done, finished...

Post by Sminkey »

Yea :!: . Finally put the finishing touches on the 71 yesterday. Got the reproduction Danco decals on wednesday and they came out way nicer than I thought they would! Did cost me a pretty penny, but was well worth it as I have a file folder for future decals if needed. Now to tuck it away for the winter :cry: .

Kevin, :oops: . No, the trailer is my neighbors and he lets me use it whenever as he totally digs what I'm doing and the 71. He asked me a few weeks ago how I was getting the tractor to show and I said Uhual, he was like no,no,no, you come borrow my new trailer anytime. Bought him a case of Heineken for being kind.

And again no Lew :D . I did not have anything under the bucket and I lost some paint because of it. I was to excited on load up to catch that one. No big deal. The show was ok, was the day before Irene came through so not to many people in attendance. Still had a good time and met some nice people.
62' O' w/ud-6.fenders.rear lift & spring assist.timed deck.
65' 71 w/Danco RD1000.fenders.creeper.IH utility box.dual wheels.lights.
68' 72 w/creeper.fenders.lights.cast deck.Hydro Unit.1a tiller.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by aar »

How's the O project coming? BTW the loader project i really enjoyed following and it looks phenomenal! Thanks for posting!
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by cub1450 »


Does your loader have down pressure.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by Sminkey »

Craig, thanks bud! Here's a pic of the O' currently and from the looks of the weather it may remain in current state till next spring, but I'm looking at houses and trying to find one with a garage that I can heat.

Jed, no down pressure with the RD1000. The RD1025 & 1075 had cylinders on the bucket so you could apply down pressure with one of those.
62' O' w/ud-6.fenders.rear lift & spring assist.timed deck.
65' 71 w/Danco RD1000.fenders.creeper.IH utility box.dual wheels.lights.
68' 72 w/creeper.fenders.lights.cast deck.Hydro Unit.1a tiller.
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Re: Restoring my Danco RD1000 loader...

Post by Jmailloux »

Can someone tell me what the original top seal situation was on the reservoir? We have a 100 where the main cap gasket seems good- but it is constantly weeping or worse. Placed some washers under the top cap but it is still consistently leaking.
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