My old Scout

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First and Last Name: Kenneth LaPatta
Location: Rockingham VT.

My old Scout

Post by Klapatta »

We have been replacing all our old photo album books with new ones due to humidity damage and yellowing
I came across this very last photo of my Scout II, and it was taken on the day it was sold- April 30, 1994
This 1979 Scout II took me 90,000 miles and it had a few hundred miles shy of 180,000 on the day I finally let her go. Her name was Josephine. Ride on.
Sorry about the poor quality image
DSCN4123.JPG (153.71 KiB) Viewed 5789 times
It was no longer safe to carry the children as the rear 4 body to cab mounts had rusted away and the floor in the back was loose as well.
My Son can be seen peeking around the side while it sits in the buyers yard
The buyer paid four hundred dollars for it.
It was a good truck that got me home in the worst weather every time and ran like a top right till the day I sold it. It used no oil at all.
About a month before I sold it the engine oil pressure gauge dropped to zero- the electric oil pressure sensor had failed and I decided check things over by screwing a 100 pound gauge directly into the engine block- it read 42 PSI at hot idle. Wow, that was a strong motor those 345's were !
It came from the factory with the 345 along with the 4 barrel Carter ThermoQuad option, Chrysler 727 trans, Dana 44's front and rear, Loc-A-Matic hubs, and the TC 145 transfer case.
I still had the line setting ticket when I sold it.
That thing had some nut- once at a red light some guy pulled alongside me with a BMW 2002. We took off when the light turned green- I kept a fender's distance ahead till I took my foot off the gas at 85 because driving it was like throwing a shoe box into the wind :P Guess he won- NOT! :lol:
Sure wish I had it today :(
Hope you guys liked the story
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Re: My old Scout

Post by dag1450 »

Cool story Ken. It sure is fun thinking about those old cars and trucks we had way back when. Dave
127, 1650, 1572, 1872, 2072 . A mower, blower and blade for each.
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